Meet the People of Zagreb

Meet the People: Jimbo, Letterer, Visual Designer, Spaniard in Zagreb

I I've been meaning to learn more about modern calligraphy for some time now, but couldn’t find the place to do so in Zagreb, so when I found out that a Modern Calligraphy Workshops is being organised as part of Zagreb Design Week, I was thrilled. After three hours of zig-zagging in the sun and having no idea what I was doing, I had a chat with the instructor, Jimbo Bernaus, and his partner Tea, realised that he’s a really cool guy who the world should know more about, so read on to find out what life of a vidual designer from Spain living in Zagreb looks like.

Image may contain: 7 people, people sitting, table and outdoor

1) Hi, Jimbo, tell us a little something about who you are and what you do.
Hello! My name is Jimbo Bernaus and I’m a letterer and visual designer from Barcelona, Spain. Just before graduating in Graphic Design I went for an Erasmus exchange to Tallinn, Estonia. Among all the coldness, partying and interesting classes I managed to meet my current girlfriend and my partner in love and crime. If you ask yourself why on earth I moved to Zagreb, Tea is the answer.

2) You own a graphic design studio called BAM! – tell us a little something about that? How you came up with the name?
After my volunteering experience in Kathmandu, Nepal, I moved to Budapest where Tea was having an internship. The decision about having a graphic design studio together happened actually really spontaniously. We were having a coffee on a sunny day thinking where to move next when the thought came up. At the time we never worked on a project together so the idea about working side by side was a challenge, a dangerous one actually. But hey, look at us now, we are doing great! 

BAM! Was something Tea can’t stop saying when she feels motivated or happy. Is basically a saying you use in the end of a sentence to express excitement or accomplishment. It’s short, explosive and memorable, BAM!

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3) What do you do in the studio?
We specialize in Lettering, Illustration and Visual Identity. Recently we started painting murals which is really fun and it gives us the perfect disconnection from all the digital work. A great fact about our job is that it gives us the opportunity to work from every corner of the world and that’s why we are travelling a lot. Do you know how cool that is?


4) What do you think about the cultural offer in Zagreb in general?
Zagreb has a really fair offer of music and club related events but it would be nice if it could provide theater plays or stand up comedies in english so I can get a good laugh once in a while. I guess after all it’s my fault I’m not learning Croatian fast enough!

5) Do you like living in Zagreb? What are some of the good and some of the bad sides about living here?
I love living here. I love the infinite coffees, the size of the city itself, hospitality, the great level of English and safety. If I have to get picky, the only thing to be improved is the accesibility of some international products but I suppose this will get better really soon.

6) As a Spaniard, what was the most difficult thing for you to get used to when you moved to Zagreb? Are the cultural differences big or not so much?
Believe it or not, Croatians and Spaniards are really similar. First off, when I met Tea I felt like I was meeting a Spanish girl who spoke awesome English, I couldn’t feel the cultural difference at all. Both cultures can laugh at the same jokes, eat the same food and take it easy drinking awesome coffee in every corner of the city. One difference I’d like to point is that Spanish people like to kiss a lot when introduced to unknown people. Handshake is too cold for us!



7) What’s your absolute favourite place in Zagreb?
Maksimir is my absolute winner!

8) Best restaurant and cafe?
Ok, that’s a difficult one. I’d say my favourite restaurant is a burger place called Submarine and when it comes to coffee… there’s a small coffee place in front of our apartment. We go there everyday, it’s our little sanctuary!

9) Do you think Zagreb is a good city for creative people like yourself to live in?
Definitely! There are cool art and design related events almost every month and the most important thing is how peaceful Zagreb streets are. That is definitely the key for creativity. Coming from an overcrowded city like Barcelona gives me a complete different perspective. I must say is really healthy to come back to Barcelona and get stressed once a while, creating a perfect balance for myself.

10) In addition to graphic design, you also do lettering and modern calligraphy – how did you decide to get into it?
During the third year of my studies I had a typography teacher called Marc who awakened the lettering artist in me. Even though he wasn’t an expert in the field he taught us the basics and planned an awesome program that kept us super competitive and most of us ended up loving the subject. Some months after that I went to study abroad and since then I do calligraphy and lettering on a daily basis. During these last three years I assisted some workshops and I taught myself by practising every single day, that’s the only way to master something, isn’t it?

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11) Ok, I know you haven’t gotten to learning it yet, but does Croatian seem difficult to you? Do you think it sounds rough?
Croatian seems really difficult. I remember the first time I heard someone saying my name in the same sentence in three different ways, like: Jimbo, Jimbe and Jimbi, Needless to say I was totally confused! Then I understood Croatian has these weird cases you have to learn by heart and for a foreigner are really really difficult. I have to say that It doesn’t sound anything like Russian, It just sounds like some crazy Slavic language with some Italian touch ups and complicated letters like “ćđšž” that makes it cute and unique.

12) And last, but not the least, what’s your favourite place to go out and have a good time in Zagreb?
Considering I’m not a party type of guy I’d say I like to hang out in places where I can talk with friends without the need of shouting all the time. Any bar works for me If I’m surrounded by my favourite people!

If you are interested in BAM!’s projects you can visit their website

You can also get information regarding their workshops on their Facebook and Instagram.
