Zagreb Blog

Local Gourmet Specialities: Turkey with Mlinci

By 26 February 2017

Mlinci is one of Zagreb’s favourite types of pasta and an ideal side dish to Sunday roast turkey. Read the instructions on how to prepare this delicious meal below.

• 1 kg flour
• 2 eggs
• 1 tbsp salt
• 400 ml cold water
• 50 g lard (optional)

1. Mix flour, eggs, lard and water to make a harder dough. Roll out into rounds.
2. Bake on the lowest rack of the oven at 165 °C until crispy and golden on both sides (about 5 minutes each side). Take out of the oven and let cool.
3. Break mlinci into pieces, put in a bowl. Pour salted boiling water over mlinci, leave for a few minutes, then drain water.

1. Rub salt and Vegeta to taste into the turkey and leave it to rest overnight
2. Before roasting, brush with oil and place it in a roasting pan to which you have added a little water. Place the roasting pan into a heated oven and bake slowly. Roast the turkey slowly, basting it in its own juice for about 3 hours, until the meat is tender (temperature should be between 180 and 200 °C).

Leave the roasting juice in the roasting pan, remove the fat, place mlinci into the pan, mix and bake briefly. Arrange the turkey and mlinci on a large plate, garnish and serve.

Dobar tek!

Source: Kitchen Nostalgia and Coolinarika.
