Zagreb Blog

Meeple's Corner: Board Games in Italian on Thursdays

By 20 March 2017

If you love playing board games and foreign languages, like Italian, Udruga Igranje (Board Game Association from Zagreb), has just the thing for you – Board Games in Italian on Thursdays.
Board Games in Italian is part ot Meeple’s Corner project, gathering hundreds of young people who love playing board games.

It takes place three times a week: Thursday (5-10 p.m.), Friday (5 p.m. – 12 a.m.) and Saturday (4-11 p.m.).

If you join the association, you’ll pay only 5 kn for your daily ticket, and if you don’t, it’s 10 kn, which is still a bargain.
You can play board games such as Catan, Carassonne, Twilight Struggle, Principi di Firenze, Nome in Codice and 10 others in Italian, or any of the 200 other games available at Udruga Igranje.

No previous knowledge of Italian, or board games for that matter, is needed, the only thing you need is the willingness to have fun.

Benvenuto a tutti!

Follow Udruga Igranje on FB here, see their calendar here and visit their website here.

Meeple's Corner
Ulica kraljice Jelene 8


