Zagreb Blog

Love Letters Exhibition at Šenoa House

By 27 March 2017

On Monday, March 27 at 6 p.m. exhibition of love letters of Augusta Šenoa and Slava Ištvanić will open at Šenoa House, reported on March 26. The event will mark the 150th anniversary of their introduction, the beginning of their correspondence (Zagreb - Velika Gorica) and their engagement on Easter 1867

Three letters (two by Šenoa and one by Slava) are written in French, which Lazo Goloža and Maja Jurkovic have translated into Croatian.

This is the first time that the original letters are presented to the public. Some of them have been published before, and copies were presented at the "August Šenoa" club in Pécs. Song cycle "To Slavica", written by August to his fiancée and later published in "Dragoljub" magazine and in all his collections of poetry, will also be on display.

Mrs. Katja Matkovic Mikulčić, director of Velika Gorica Library, will talk about the love between August and Slavica. Dr. Vinko Brešić, professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb will say a few words about the letters and open the exhibition.

Watch a short film about August and Slavica below:

Šenoa House is synonymous with the cultural heritage created by members of the Šenoa family through four generations - during their 182 years of life in Zagreb and a space where their legacy is kept.

The Šenoa family collection was declared a cultural asset and belongs to movable cultural property of the Republic of Croatia and the Šenoa House belongs to immovable cultural property and is part of the Register of Cultural Goods in Croatia.

Additionally, Šenoa House is the title of the project by Jasmina Reis, the heir to the family legacy. The project includes a series of activities throughout the year, and they are associated with the life and work of August Šenoa and other Šenoa family members.A special part of the project is intended for primary and secondary school students.

August Šenoa's only grandson, Zdenko Šenoa, died in 2005, and this is when the last direct family link to August Šenoa was lost. However, the rest of the family and various other contributors have recognized the value of the famous author’s legacy and founded the Šenoa House.

You can visit it Mon – Fri, 2 p.m. – 7 p.m. and 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Saturdays (closed on Sundays).

Kuća Šenoa
Ivice Mallina 27

Kuca Šenoa Facebook

