Zagreb Blog

"Zagreb moj grad" Magazine Celebrates 10th Anniversary

By 28 March 2017

Zagreb moj grad is a magazine about Zagreb which, unlike many other magazines and newspapers, there are no sensationalism and scandals in. Writers make sure that the articles provide scientifically sound information for people who really want to learn. The only scandals the magazine doesn’t stay away from are historic ones, the ones that sculpted Zagreb’s history and made an everlasting impact on it. There are five issues a year, it costs 20 kn, and you can find out more about it here.

To illustrate just how serious, detailed and scientifically focused this magazine really is - in 2011, the magazine was suggested as recommended reading for several school subjects by The Ministry of Science and Education and by Zagreb City Office for Education, Culture and Sports.

Founded in 2007, the magazine celebrated its 10th anniversary on March 23, 2017, at Dverce Town Palace.

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Ms. Biserka Rajković Salata

Academic Zvonko Kusić, president of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art thanked the magazine’s editor, Biserka Rajković Salata for closely following the Academy’s work and added that the magazine is a textbook of sorts because not only does it bring reports on historic events, but it follows all important contemporary events in the city as well.

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Ms. Biserka Rajković Salata, Zvonko Kusić, FCA

“Events, cultural and architectural landmarks play an important part in the life of a city, but the people are what makes the city alive, and each issue of Zagreb moj grad has article about people.” Zagreb Mayor’s Representative Ms. Jelena Pavičević Vukičević pointed out.

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Ms. Biserka Rajković Salata, Ms. Jelena Pavičević Vukičević

On behalf of Total Zagreb and the entire Total Croatia News team, we would like to wish Zagreb moj grad a very happy 10th birthday and many more to come.
