Zagreb Blog

Zagreb, Senj Mayors Sign Charter of Friendship

By 28 March 2017

Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić and Senj Mayor Danko Nakić signed a charter of friendship between the two cities at Senj yesterday, March 27, 2017.

“It is an honour to sign this charter and offer our friendship to the citizens of Senj. Senj holds a special place in our hearts, which makes this charter even more important.” Mayor Bandić said.

Senj Mayor Danko Nakić added that Zagreb has cooperated with Senj before, in helping build a house for the mother of deceased Croatian soldier Damir Tovljanović. The house also has a Memorial Room where an exhibition portraying his life and war path is on display.

Senj 2

Deputy Mayor, Ms. Vesna Kusin, whose family is originally from Senj, pointed out that Zagreb will continue making efforts to strengthen the cooperation between the two cities and find more possibilities for collaboration.

The charter is a confirmation of friendship between Senj and Zagreb, and a promise of continuing cooperation and creating common goals in the areas of economy, culture, education and other relevant areas.

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