Zagreb Blog

Purger and Purgerica, New Faces of Zagreb Souvenirs

By 19 April 2017

The Institution for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons (URIHO) recently came up with a new souvenir design that's already popular among tourists.

Zagreb is represented by two original characters named Purger i Purgerica, both being local nicknames for Zagreb residents and deriving from the German word for citizen, Bürger. The characters are dressed in folk costume: Purger (male) is wearing traditional garments from Šestine, known for its black hat with a tricolour band, while Purgerica (female) is pictured in a costume originating from Prigorje, a region that surrounds the capital. The illustrations are cute and colourful and serve as a charming symbol of the city.

Souvenirs include notebooks, magnets, umbrellas and T-shirts, and are manufactured by disabled persons employed by URIHO. You can find Purger and Purgerica in their shop in Gajeva 4, Zagreb.

