It's always interesting to read about your own city from someone else's point of view, especially when there are pictures involved and the book is written not in one, but three languages. 'The Eyes of Zagreb' is a trilingual illustrated book written by Austrian writer Karl-Markus Gauss. This unique essay represents the essence of Zagreb, combining Zagreb’s past, present and future.
“To make the acquaintance of a city and come to know it is never simple – as an organism the city is in constant flux and often the people who live there, always hurried, seldom see it, they dash through, and someone else needs to come along to discover it for them. Zagreb is an agreeable city of Middle Europe, and the finest connoisseur of Middle Europe and its cities is flâneur Karl-Markus Gauss. He has been to Zagreb several times, read about it in books, roamed it aimlessly, learned about it from friends, jotted down thoughts, and fell in love with it.
When we read Gauss on Zagreb, we get to know the city in a different way, see its history and culture, live with its inhabitants, those from the past and the present, including writers ranging from Miroslav Krleža to the authors of today. The Eyes of Zagreb is not a city guide but it could serve as one. The essay is the essence of Zagreb in which its past and present refract and connect, and Karl- -Markus Gauß takes us on an unforgettable stroll through the city, encouraging us to see the buildings and people with new, wide-open eyes.”
The book will be presented the Museum of Arts and Crafts on May 23 at 12 p.m., as part of Zagreb Book Festival, which will take place at May 22 – 28. Find out more about the festival here.
If you decide buy the book until May 29, you get a 20% discount and another book for free. Visit for more info.