Zagreb Blog

34th Dance Week Festival Kicks Off This Weekend!

The 34th Dance Week Festival kicks off today in Zagreb, starting a whole week of contemporary dance performances that will take place at multiple locations in the city.

The CDT is the longest-running international dance festival in Croatia and one of the biggest manifestations in the region when it comes to contemporary dance. It's integrated into the European and global events in the dance world, elevating Croatian dance artists to the highest level of the international dance scene. In its 34-year span, the festival has introduced over 700 dance troupes from around the world, all the while promoting multiple generations of Croatian authors and ensembles.

The festival is organised by the Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance (HIPP), a non-profit cultural organisation known for co-producing multiple European projects aiming to improve the standing of contemporary dance on the international cultural scene.

Performances will take place at the &TD Theatre, Histrionski dom, Gavella Theatre, Cinema Grič, and the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb. You can find the full schedule here!
