Zagreb Blog

Zagreb Technology Park to Get New EU-Funded Lab Equipment

“Startup Factory Zagreb – high technology incubator,” a 16-million kuna project that the City of Zagreb and Razvojna agencija Zagreb applied for EU funding in late 2016, was positively assessed. This means that the project has moved on to the third (and final) stage of receiving non-refundable EU funds.

The funds from the project will be used to buy laboratory equipment at the recently-opened Zagreb Technology Park, which students, young entrepreneurs, startups, universities, and researchers will then be able to use. The lab will be available to everyone, with an aim of developing new high-technology products and services.

This will include state of the art equipment for product and process development in the areas of electronics, digital forensics, IoT, sensory evaluation, organic waste analysis, as well as CNC machines, 3D printers and scanners.

This will contribute greatly to increasing the competitiveness of Zagreb’s manufacturing companies and of the economy in general, as well as creating new companies that base their businesses on high value-added products and services.
