Zagreb Blog

"Steal Our Fruit, Please" Sign Brings Smiles to Neighbours' Faces in Gajnice

Even though the legality of picking fruit from your neighbours' orchards has been heavily debated, we can all agree that we loved doing it as children. Cherries, apples, apricots, or pears - there was no greater thrill than climbing up the trees to pick up the juiciest fruits and then hurrying back down before the neighbours saw you.

Sure, there were some grumpy neighbours whose angry looks scared you to death, but the delicious bounty was always worth it.

On the other hand, reports that some people gladly invite their neighbourhood children to eat the fruit from their orchards, so it doesn't go to waste.

"Kids! Please eat and 'steal' our apricots! It's not stealing, it's joy," the friendly neighbours write.

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