Are you creative and have an eye for photography? Sign up for a photo contest!
ODRAZ - Sustainable Community Development invites Zagreb citizens to participate in the photo contest "Mobility in My City", organised as part of the project "Dialogue on mobility in Zagreb". The project is funded by the European Union and co-financed by the Croatian Office for Cooperation with NGOs. Read more about the project here.
The aim of this contest is to encourage citizens of Zagreb to think critically about urban traffic while focusing on sustainable, energy-efficient and environment-friendly modes of transport. The application deadline is September 7, 2017.
The theme:
Whether going to or from work, catching a tram or bus to meet you friends for a cup of coffee downtown or just aimlessly wandering around Zagreb's streets and neighbourhoods, look around, observe the busy traffic and take a photo. Snap interesting everyday situations of people walking by, biking or riding in the public transport while at the same time focusing on the sustainability of the transport modes, which is the theme of the contest. By making little changes in our day-to-day lives, such as walking or biking to work, we choose to live a healthier lifestyle, protect the environment and contribute to the sustainable urban development.
Terms and conditions of the contest:
• Citizens of Zagreb, both amateur and professional photographers, can participate in the contest
• You can send up to two black and white or color photos, no older than three years in .jpg format (resolution 300 dpi)
• Submit photographs and the completed application form by September 7, 2017 to the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name and surname in the subject header (the application form is available here)
• The jury will select the three best photos
• Award ceremony will be held during the European Mobility Week (September 16-22, 2017).
1st Prize - 1.000,00 kn
2nd Prize - 750.00 kn
3rd Prize - 500.00 kn