Zagreb Blog

Passenger Enters Tram with a Motor Scooter

The man ran out of gas, so he wanted to get a lift.

We all know that bizarre things tend to happen in public transport, and yet, people always find ways to surprise you.

It was only recently that some ZET buses introduced the option of taking your bike with you and putting it in a special trunk, but it seems that this gentleman was under the impression that motor scooters are somehow exempt from the “No Bike on Trams” rule.

24 sata reported on Saturday, July 22, that a man tried to put his scooter on the tram.

“Are you insane?” the tram driver asked the unknown man on Friday night.
“So what? If people can take bikes with them, I can take my motor scooter, too,” the man replied.

He finally got off and pushed his motor scooter into the sunset.

One of the commenters said he was going to try to take his horse on the tram next and see what happens.


Tagged under: zagreb zet
