The authorities ask citizens to be patient and understanding due to possible traffic difficulties in the city centre
Renovation works in Zagreb are in full swing, reports While some streets are being renovated for months, such as Kranjčevića Street (scheduled for completion on August 4), Primorska (scheduled for completion on August 2) or Deželićeva (scheduled for August 8), other have recently started with the renovation such as Slavonska Avenue, Nazorova Street in Tuškanac, Savska Street and the crossing of Jurišićeva and Palmotićeva Streets.
Due to the new renovation works in progress, the City of Zagreb announces new traffic regulations that will modify certain tram and bus lines. Tramway traffic through Savska and Frankopanska Streets from Vodnikova to Ilica and Mihanovićeva, and through Vodnikova from the Main Railway Station to Savska Street will be closed for traffic, which is why tram lines 2, 4, 9, 12, 13, 14 and 17 in both directions will be diverted until Thursday, August 3rd.
Also, due to the renovation works of the pavement in Sv.Duh Street, the part from Dunjevac Street (north intersection) to Bijenik Street, will be closed for traffic until Monday, August 14. The detour route will be Bijenik - Mikulići - Frateršćica - Črnomerec - Krčelićeva - Sv. Duh.
New Regulations in Tramway Traffic
Tram 2: Črnomerec - Josip Jelačić Square - Glavni Kolodvor (Main Railway Station) - Autobusni kolodvor (Bus Station) - Žitnjak - Savišće
Tram 4: Dubec - Dubrava - Draškovićeva - Glavni Kolodvor (Main Railway Station) - Ban Josip Jelačić Square - Republike Austrije Street - Jukićeva - Savska - Savski Most
Tram 9: Borongaj - Trg žrtava fašizma (Victims of Fascism Square) - Glavni Kolodvor (Main Bus Station) - Josip Jelačić Square - Republike Austrije Street - Jukićeva - Savska - Ljubljanica
Tram 12: Ljubljana - Savska - Vukovarska - Bus station - Šubićeva - Kvaternikov trg - Dubrava
Tram 13: Žitnjak - Ulica grada Vukovara - Savska - Jukićeva - Ulica Republike Austrije - Josip Jelačić Square - Glavni kolodvor (Main Railway Station) - Trg žrtava fašizma - Kvaternik Square
Tram 14: Mihaljevac - Josip Jelačić Square - Republike Austrije Street - Jukićeva - Savska - Velesajam - Zapruđe
Tram 17: Prečko - Savska - Jukićeva - Republike Austrije Street - Josip Jelačić Square Trg žrtava fašizma (Victims of Fascism Square) - Borongaj
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