Zagreb Blog

ZET Reduces Bus Service Due to Driver Shortage, Informs Passengers with Handwritten Notice

By 6 August 2017

The handwritten notice appeard at the Dubec bus terminal.

ZET normally has adapted bus schedule in summer and, even though it’s frustrating to time everything if you have 40-minute bus intervals, it’s understandable – there just aren’t that many people in the city, no school, so it only makes sense.

What doesn’t make sense, though, is when a bus doesn’t show up. At all. It’s happened to me more than once, and, again, I try to be patient, come up with reasons why this is happening, not blaming it on the traffic gods. reports that one of the 220 line buses didn’t show up when it should have according to the official timetable, at 6.15 a.m., multiple days in a row. People are late for work, and irritable, understandably, because they are crammed with double the number of people from what’s normal, in buses that sometimes have no air-conditioning, while it’s +40 degrees outside.

Hell hath no fury like a ZET passenger crammed in a bus with no air conditioning on a hot day.

However, I have to admit that the latest case related to line 212 is new for me.

The Dubec-Sesvete bus kept being late or not showing up, so, as nobody apparently got the memo that ZET has an official website and can actually put it there, a hand-written note appeared at the Dubec terminal, notifying people that there aren’t enough drivers, so the buses leave every 40 min.

“It’s ZET, what can I tell you. Everyone goes on holiday at the same time, so what are the buses supposed to do, drive themselves? Something is rotten in this organisation,” an indignant passenger said.

Tagged under: zagreb zet
