Zagreb Blog

Traffic Chaos in Western Part of the City Until September 11

By 9 September 2017

Works on a new traffic light system are causing traffic jams on Zagrebačka Avenue.

Everyone who has been using Horvaćanska Road or Zagrebačka Avenue over the past few weeks, either towards east or west, has come to the conclusion that something is wrong with traffic in the area.
Unbearable queues, no matter the time of day, forcing the drivers to be stuck in a traffic jam, had irritated even those with thicker nerves. Who would blame them, if you knew that for a ride that normally took up to 20 minutes, now it takes you 45, like the routes from Remetinec roundabout to Rudeška Street, as well as a ride from the Selska-Zagrebačka intersection to Jankomir street?
Since no roadwork has been reported in this area, and the number of traffic accidents is average, we sent an inquiry to The City of Zagreb Traffic Office, whose head Dinko Bilić explained that they are working on a new traffic light system, and the works will last until September 11. The integral answer is below:
"Due to the improvement of traffic safety components on the traffic light intersections along the Zagreb Avenue, there is a need to change the traffic light installation - from the substitution of inductive loops to video cameras for a more reliable vehicle detection, cable channel replacement for better synchronization between traffic light devices and replacement of traffic lights' lanterns with new laterns with LED technology that disable the "fake green light". After the works and the modifications described, we expect a more reliable functioning of the traffic light system, and thus a higher degree of traffic safety. The planned completion of works on the synchronization of the entire Zagreb Avenue, from Marohnićeva Street to the Svilkovići Street, is September 11. "

Many angry Zagreb inhabitants have been discussing the issue on Facebook groups to try and get to the bottom of things as well, so, in order for them to comprehend the situation better, you can find the Croatian version below:

Prometni kaos na zapadnom dijelu grada sve do 11. rujna

Svima koji posljednjih tjedana imaju nesreću voziti se Horvaćanskom cestom ili Zagrebačkom avenijom, bilo u smjeru istoka ili zapada, postalo je jasno da nešto nije u redu s prometom u tom području.
Nesnosne gužve, neovisno o dobu dana, zbog kojih su vozači prisiljeni čekati u koloni, iziritirale su i one s debljim živcima. Kaos je takav da u nekim trenucima vožnja od rotora na Remetincu do Rudeške ulice traje i po 45 minuta, kao i vožnja od raskrižja Selska-Zagrebačka do Jankomira.

Budući da na tom području nisu prijavljeni nikakvi radovi, niti je broj prometnih nesreća iznad prosjeka, uputili smo dopis Gradskom uredu za promet, iz kojega je vrlo konkretan odgovor – rade na novom semaforskom sustavu, a radovi će trajati sve do 11. rujna. Odgovor pročelnika Dinka Bilića prenosimo u cijelosti.
„Zbog unapređenja komponente sigurnosti odvijanja prometa na semaforiziranim raskrižjima duž Zagrebačke avenije, utvrđena je potreba za izmjenama i dopunama semaforske instalacije - od zamjene induktivnih petlji video-kamerama zbog pouzdanije detekcije vozila, zamjene kabelske kanalizacije vezane za kvalitetniju sinkronizaciju između semaforskih uređaja pa do zamjene semaforskih laterni novim laternama u LED tehnologiji koje onemogućuju pojavu „lažnog zelenog svjetla“. Nakon izvedenih radova i opisanih izmjena, očekujemo kvalitetniji i pouzdaniji rad semaforskog sustava, a time i viši stupanj sigurnosti prometa. Planirani završetak radova na sinkronizaciji cijelog poteza Zagrebačke avenije, od Marohnićeve ulice do ulice Svilkovići, je 11. rujna.“
