Zagreb Blog

Taco's & Burger Barr Introduces Chocolate Tacos

By 12 September 2017

Heaven, thy name is chocolate taco.

I really loved Mak and konac, and was devastated when I found out that my favourite pastry shop in Zagreb had closed a while ago. Where was I supposed to get my divine chocolate cube now??

A few days ago I noticed my Facebook friends liking this heavenly photo that you can see on the cover, started drooling immediately (classical conditioning, people, I might as well be one of Ivan Pavlov’s dogs), and then I read that it was made by Petra Jelenčić, who used to be the pâtissière at Mak na konac. Life finally got some meaning back!

There are two types of tacos:
Black chocolate taco, with a chocolate cream, chocolate candies, hazelnuts, whipped cream and a chocolate topping.
I mean…

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And then there’s the
White taco, with a white chocolate cream, whipped cream, raspberries, forest fruit topping and almond flakes.

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Can you even? I know I can't. I’m feeling the carbohydrate overload just reading about it.

I haven’t had the chance to try them just yet, please don’t eat all of them before I get there.

Taco’s Burger Bar can be found at Jurišićeva 2a, and it’s open Mon – Sat, 11.30 a.m. – 11 p.m.

Find out more here.

All photos from Taco's Burger & Barr, Facebook.
