Zagreb Blog

Hate Waiting in Line? Personal Concierge Zagreb Is Here to Help

By 18 September 2017

Did you know that you can hire people to do the dreaded waiting in line for you?

If you’ve ever had to do anything related to bureaucracy in Croatia, you know it takes time. A lot of time. And let’s not forget nerves, because you normally need a document that you forgot to bring with you.

It’s just like studying – there’s always something else you’d rather be doing with your time, from taking up a new sport to knitting, whatever it is, you could think of a million things you’d rather be doing than standing in line for hours, right?

Well, did you know that you can actually have someone do it for you?

Personal Concierge Zagreb is a service where you pay some to do those pesky chores for you – for HRK 50 (1/2 hour), 70 (1 hour), or 100 (urgent).

This means that someone can wait in line for you, take your clothes to get it dry cleaned or your car to get it washed, empty your mailbox, deliver or pick up things you need delivered, help you move, schedule appointments, events, or meetings (and remind you that you have an upcoming event).

If there’s something else you need, you can contact Personal Concierge Zagreb at 097-624-1503 or send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and they will gladly help you out and find a solution that suits you.

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