Zagreb Blog

No Cars in Central Zagreb Tomorrow

By 21 September 2017

European Car-Free Day is the final event of European Mobility Week.

European Car-Free Day (September 22) will be a day without cars in the centre of Zagreb. Cars will not be able to drive through the centre of the city 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., in the part of the city between the following streets: Trg bana Josipa Jelačića – Bakačeva (from the roundabout) – Vlaška – Europski trg –Palmotićeva (western section) – Boškovićeva (northern section) – Hebrangova (northern section) – Gundulićeva (eastern section) – Ilica (eastern section) – Mesnička (eastern section up to Streljačka) – Mesnička – Demetrova - Ilirski trg – Radićeva - Trg bana Josipa Jelačića.

The only vehicles allowed to drive through this part of the city will be the ambulance, firefighters, and the police, utility vehicles, public transport, taxis, and special vehicles for persons with disabilities residing in the car-free zone.
A traditional bike race will also take place on the occasion of European Car-Free Day, at 6 p.m. on September 22. The race, called Zagrebačka žbica, is organised by the City Office for Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship together with cycling associations. The police has stated that the race will also be used to warn about how vulnerable this group of road users really is.

Cyclists participating in the race will gather at Petar Preradović Square 4 p.m. – 6 p.m., when they will start the race. They will be escorted by the police and ride their bikes at about 20 km/h.
The race will take place along the following route: Preradovićeva – Trenkova – Hatzeova – Mislavova – Trg žrtava fašizma – Zvonimirova – Bauerova – Vlaška – Šoštarićeva – Langov trg – Branjugova – Palmotićeva – Boškovićeva – Hebrangova – Klaićeva – Ulica Republike Austrije – Prilaz Gjure Deželića – Trg Republike Hrvatske – Masarykova – Preradovićeva – finish at Petar Preradović Square.

European Car-Free Day is the final event of the European Mobility Week, taking place September 16-22 every year in order to encourage local governments to introduce and promote sustainable transport methods and invite citizens to start using other types of transport, not just cars.

“This year's EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK theme focuses on a concept that we first encountered as toddlers - sharing.
By using shared forms of transport we can reduce our expenses and lower our carbon footprint. Best of all, we can meet new people and make our journey more sociable!
Smart technology, such as apps and online platforms are already helping to make mobility more efficient, saving us money and helping the environment. New applications have made it easier than ever before to manage our mobility together.
Studies show that embracing shared mobility can have a positive impact on our towns and cities: each shared car, for example, takes approximately 15 private cars off the road.” (European Mobility Week)


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