Zagreb Blog

New Dog Agility Park in Zagreb

By 4 November 2017

There aren't that many dog agility parks in Zagreb, and the new one is just about to be open - once the grass is up!

And we do mean that literally.

The newly built dog agility park in Zagreb neighborhood of Knežija has been built, right by the Lidl supermarket, near Zadarska and Selska streets (you can now find it on our dog-off-leash map of Zagreb as well!). It has different kinds of dog training, agility and fun equipment, climbers, stuff to jump on and over, it has benches for those humans not wanting to partake in all that dog exercize, the young trees were planted (and from what we've been able to see, someone has been watering them diligently in the past few weeks) which will provide the needed shade in the future.



The location is very well fenced, so dogs inside will almost certainly stay inside - provided they don't spend way too much time on the exercize equipment and get too agile :D.


There are two things missing in the park: one is a water fountain, which will probably be installed soon as there is a place in the park looking like that's where it will be located (see photo below), and the other is the grass.


And the grass is the reason why the park is empty, both on our photos and in real life. There are signs on all of the doors to the park, asking dog owner's not to use the park until the grass that has been seeded emerges. The warm, sunny and pleasant autumn that we've had this year has helped, and since these photos were taken the grass has come out nicely, so we're sure that many dog owners can't wait for the signs to be removed and their dogs discover the inner Daley Thompson that's been hidden on that couch!
