The Symposium will take place at Tribina grada, September 21 - 22.
The Centre for Media Philosophy and Croatian Philosophical Society are organising the seventh annual international scientific interdisciplinary symposium on the philosophy of media in Zagreb, September 21 – 23, Vox Feminae reports on September 18, 2017.
The symposium will have an open concept, so, unlike the previous editions, roundtables, interviews, performances and presentations will not have to adhere to specific topics, and the only prerequisite is that the participants’ work relies on or deals with philosophy. Using other media (film, music, theatre) is also encouraged, as well as participation from people involved in other areas connected to the philosophy of media.
Another great piece of news is the fact that there is no entry fee, and all participants will receive a book of abstracts and the proceedings from the previous symposium, containing the best papers from the previous edition.
A special addition will be presenting projects such as Medijsko praćenje filozofije (Media Coverage of Philosophy), Mala filozofija (Little Philosophy), Filozofski cafe (Philosophy Cafe) and Filozofska kuća (The House of Philosophy), and the annual awards for publishers and translators who have worked on translating global philosophical literature into Croatian and vice-versa.
The main event takes place on September 21 and 22 just a few steps away from Ban Jelačić Square, at Tribina grada (Kaptol 27, see the timetable here), followed by a gathering at the Xantipa Association’s House of Philosophy (Remetska 25) on September 23, and an optional trip to the Croatian Philosophical Society’s symposium on the Island of Cres on September 24.
The event will be live-streamed, so, even if you're not able to attend it, you can watch it (and find out more) here.