Zagreb Events

‘Rebel with a Vision’: Retrospective Exhibition of Vjenceslav Richter at Museum of Contemporary Art

By 6 October 2017

A retrospective exhibition of Vjenceslav Richter works opens next week, October 10.


As reports on the 6th of October, 2017, the retrospective exhibition of the works of Vjenceslav Richter entitled "The Rebel With Vision" opens on Tuesday, October 10 at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MSU) in Zagreb, announced the director of the museum, Snježana Pintarić on Thursday.

Richter is one of the key figures of the Croatian art scene in the second half of the 20th century. His architectural and artistic creativity takes an important place in European art history, Pintarić said, adding that Richter was one of the founders of EXAT 51 and an active participant in the International Tendency Movement. She also pointed out that he was the author of many architectural projects of public and residential use as well as conceptual solutions in the field of urbanism and author of theoretical texts on synthetic approaches in architecture, urbanism and art.

The exhibition curator, Vesna Meštrić, noted that the starting point of the exhibition is the concept of synthesis and a synthetic approach, which is included in each segment of Richter's creative life, theoretical thinking and experimental and research activity. She announced that the exhibition will highlight the key projects created in the second half of the 20th century, such as the Yugoslav Pavilions in Brussels, Turin and Milan, the projects of museum buildings such as the Museum for Spatial Exhibits, the Museum of Evolution in Krapina, the Museum of the Revolution in Belgrade and the Archeological Museum in Aleppo. Richter was also the author of the Villa Zagorje and the Saponija factory in Osijek, Meštrić pointed out, emphasizing one of his most important achievements - the visionary architectural and urbanistic project  Sinturbanism, in which a dialogue between architecture and art was realized.

In the words of the exhibition curator, the firm link between architecture and art will be shown through the selection of sculptures, paintings and graphics in which Richter explored the possibilities of synthesis, experimenting with different artistic media and further developing ideas in the works of spontaneous, semi-spontaneous, free and gravitational drawings and graphics. The separate segment of the exhibition will be dedicated to Richter's role in the field of applied art, design and stage set design through an overview of his most important achievements.

Art historian Zvonko Maković reminded that Richter was one of the authors of the Manifesto group EXAT 51, a great critic and researcher, an ever-active participant in cultural and scientific life whose research focused on creating a more humane world. He added that Richter was firmly integrated into the political and social system." He often talks about self-management, the socialist system," said Maković, adding that Richter was "deeply confident in his own work and the political thesis he represented".

The exhibition will feature more than 200 works, scale models and designs of the most important architectural projects, sculptures, drawings, graphics and paintings that have been borrowed from twenty institutions, museums, archives and private collections.

The exhibition marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vjenceslav Richter. The exhibition is held from October 10 to December 10, under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović.


Translated from


Zagreb: An Insider's Guide
