Alternative American rock outfits are back in Zagreb!
As reports on November 14, 2017, one the most beloved American indie rock bands Yo La Tengo is back in Zagreb after four years! The band will perform at Pogon Jedinstvo on May 11, 2018.
Formed in 1984, the band started as a small music project of the future husband and wife Ira Kaplan (guitars, piano, vocals) and Georgia Hubley (drums, piano, vocals), and joined by bassist James McNew 8 years later. Named as "the quintessential critics' band", Yo La Tengo has gained a strong cult following among the alternative crowd.
So far, they have published fourteen excellent albums, all beautiful, intriguing, experimental and often characterized as loud pop music. The band has also produced movie soundtracks, including a theme for Simpsons, acted and performed as The Velvet Underground in the movie "I Shot Andy Warhol" and shared a stage with many great musicians.
You can buy tickets at a promotional price of 130 kunas at the Rockmark music library and Dirty Old Shop in Zagreb. From November 27, the price of the ticket will go up to 150 kunas, while on the day of the gig the tickets will cost 180 kunas.
Find out more about the event at their official Facebook site here.
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