The nineties in all their glory.
We love old photos of cities, but aren’t old videos even better? Zagreb info’s Iva Pavić compiled a great list of the most memorable ads from the ‘80s and the ‘90s, which you’ll remember the moment you open them.
Bananko and Kiki bomboni are my favourite and I honestly haven’t been able to get the jingles out of my head since I heard them.
Even better, most videos were filmed in or around Zagreb!
We have, for example, Jamnica – teaching us that Uncle Jura from Turopolje lived to be 90 just by drinking Jamnica.
Then we have a typical household from the ‘80s, with the sounds of Novi Fosili’s E, moj Saša covered as “Cedevita” and everyone making Cedevita happily using the powder from the brown jars (I remember trying to catch a crab at the seaside when I was little in one of those)
Then we have a treat for all the millennials with a sweet tooth who grew up in the ‘90s: Kraš Express, Kiki bomboni, Bananko, Slatka tajna, Moja prva čokolada, and Njofra
Remember digging around your Kraš Express to find a present hidden in there? I sure do, and my mom probably does too, because there is no way that I managed to do it without making a huge mess.
I still love Kiki just as much as I did when they sang about how you can eat it in Africa or India
The not so secret Sweet Secret (Slatka tajna) was also popular
And was anyone able to stop themselves after eating just one Bananko? You had to eat at least five
I don’t know about you, but I remember wanting to be this cute and curly and eat this much chocolate
Then a bunch of extremely cool teenagers break-dancing
I don’t know if your taste buds change over time or what, but I remember not being able to chew a piece of spearmint gum when I was little, so Pepermint was the closest thing to a (sour, we called them) piece of gum you could get. I remember feeling like I was a total badass and a grown up eating it, and it mostly came from my grandma
Bronhi had a similar effect, even though it was slightly sweeter
Before Nutella, we had two other types of hazelnut spread that we loved: Kinderlada and its adorable little cow and Eurocrem
And finally, the kitsch-fest that were the '90s (don't get me wrong, I love it), in all its velvety, huge-collared, scrunchy-filled glory, Ledolina, starring young Nina Badrić, and with music composed by Arsen Dedić
Anyone else feels hungry all of a sudden?